- Woven in blue, red and burgundy horizontal stripes on a white background
- Three wide bands of dense patterning in red and burgundy alternating with narrower bands of blue
- Short bottom fringe in red wool, two knife pleats on each side folding toward centre
- Red and burgundy stripe densely patterning sleeves, cuffs, full front placket and collar, with some open-work
- Patterning on collar is wider than most, runs across the width rather than around
- Crown pattern points in burgundy on a white background, points edged in blue and red crochet
- Self-fringed ribbands brightly patterned in white, burgundy and blue on white
- Sash woven in blue with red and blue borders
- Red also introduced in side fringes added at the ends
- Woven in medium blue and burgundy on a pale blue background
- Three predominantly blue horizontal pattern stripes alternating with narrower burgundy stripes
- Skirt has a very wide densely striped blue pattern at the bottom
- Pleated in sharply pressed knife pleats sewn into woven waistband