Tag Archives: K0060


  • Apron woven with wide, dense red, blue and white pattern bands of equal widths alternating with block patterns in blue, red and white tulip (lily) motif on a green-blue background
  • Two narrow sharply-pressed pleats on either side
  • Short wool bottom fringe in dark and light red



  • V-neck bodice has red, blue and white horizontal patterning on a darker red background
  • Peplum consists of rectangular, spaced lappets
  • Clasps are tulip-shaped metal (with some verdigris) over a blue cloth insert typically pointed at the top


  • Short blouse with patterned double shoulder plackets extending part-way down the top of the sleeve
  • Weaving pattern repeated on collar, partial front placket and cuffs, and bordering a wider pattern on the lower sleeve


  • Narrow crown with unusual floral pattern in white, red and light blue on a blue background and pattern band at top edge
  • Finished with points in red with one cat’s-paw pattern on each
  • Four ribands in two horizontal patterns in red, blue and grey with bottom edges fringed in cream


  • Bright blue sash on cream background and red edging
  • Fringe in red, cream and blue finishing the ends of the sash with added side-fringes woven in above the ends



  • Knife-pleated skirt woven in vertical stripes on blue background
  • Patterning in blue, red, white and orange
  • Woven waistband in blue